Students who exceed the curriculum and really go beyond are recognised each term by being placed on the school’s very fluid ‘exceeding’ register. These exceeding scholars then receive individual attention in those specific subjects, focussed teaching within the classroom, and additional options interwoven with the curriculum to allow them to be extended. Teaching is closely monitored to ensure every teacher, every day, every lesson is focused on stretching our most able students.
The scholars record their achievements and achieved extension activities on their individual Bayt al-Hikma passports alongside their co-curricular achievements and successes. This record of excellence stays with our students throughout their time at ICS, becoming a record of all the ways they have excelled.
Bayt al-Hikma replaces outdated conceptions of Gifted and Talented students, based on IQ or teacher’s subjective judgements.
At ICS, we believe any child who works hard and receives individual support can exceed expectations and demonstrate excellence. This is what we strive for every day.